01 Data of the chosen regional target group
D.T1.1.4 Regional IN SITU Social Impact Infographic
long-term unemployed (age-group) – 25 / 50 +
02. Description of the chosen regional target group
According to Statistics Austria the unemployment rates are 18,6 % for ‘youth’ (15-24) and 8 % for ‘elderly’ (50+); the overall Viennese unemployment rate is 10 %. The target group ‘youth’ will be addressed through activities in Pre-vocational schools (Polytechnische Schulen) since the Board of Education for Vienna is responsible for schools in the city and region.
The target group ‘elderly’ will be addressed in close cooperation with the city Job Centres and with expert support.

03. Number of main key players in the regional triangle relevant for the chosen regional target group